How Hemp is Changing Agriculture

The recently-passed Farm Bill, and its subsequent legalization of hemp growth and distribution, would change the agricultural landscape once and for all. Fast-forward one year, and it's clear that many of the respected financial magazines’ predictions for the future of the hemp industry are already coming true.

For example. The 2018 Forbes article forecast a "hemp renaissance" in America that would drastically overhaul our country's relation to hemp, allowing consumers to discover the literal hundreds of uses of the plant, in industries from textiles to cooking. Of course, we can attest that this is happening- a quick scan of the shelves of your neighborhood pharmacy will show that CBD-infused products are big business. Hemp-derived oils are popping up everywhere, from skincare products to natural supplements, and even in unexpected places like chocolate and hemp dog treats!

The reason for the sudden surge of popularity in CBD-infused products is the sudden availability of hemp, thanks to the passing of the Farm Bill. Additionally, and perhaps more unexpectedly, the "Green Rush" has caused numerous young people to switch gears and ditch their chosen career paths to become hemp farmers.

There is a phenomenon happening, calling hemp a "gateway crop" for young farmers who originally set out to lead a completely different life in an entirely different industry. This can be a boon for the agricultural industry as a whole; in recent decades, farming, which was once the top profession among early Americans, is facing serious decline. A recent Time Magazine article details the financial crisis among small farmers in America as they face extinction due to insurmountable debt. However, with rising interest in growing hemp as more and more states decriminalize and legalize cannabis products, the number of farmers under the age of 35 has begun to grow exponentially, an industry in danger of dying out as older farmers retire or pass away may become revitalized, thanks in large part to the massive hemp trend.

And it's only the beginning- since hemp is a relatively easy crop to grow, farmers of other crops who are seeing the sudden boom in the CBD industry are likely to want to begin growing hemp themselves. After all, growing hemp is not much different from growing any other type of crop, and seasoned farmers with a solid agricultural background are used to changing up the types of products they grow and harvest in response to consumer demand. The global industrial hemp market size is predicted to reach $10.6 billion by 2025 - that's not the sort of thing a farmer would want to pass up!

One of the most exciting things about hemp is the fact that we've barely even scratched the surface in terms of understanding how the plant can benefit our daily lives. Because it was considered an illegal crop for 81 years up until the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, little research has been conducted on hemp in relationship to other crops like corn. However, scientists believe that hemp can hold the key to re-imagining the way we live and even potentially help us to lessen our dependence on diminishing natural resources. As we push to get away from depending upon the use of fossil fuels in favor of sustainable resources, hemp has shown significant potential as a biodiesel fuel. Furthermore, because hemp takes out significantly larger amounts of carbon dioxide per acre than other plants, it can also be considered effective against global warming and climate change. This means that any fuel produced from hemp would have the additional benefit of reducing, rather than increasing, carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere.

If legal hemp becomes a key player in the clean technology race, as many scientists believe it will, the demand for hemp farmers will surge even greater than it already has. In addition to hemp as a fuel source, it has a variety of potential uses that can help make greener, more sustainable products and help us protect the environment. 100% biodegradable and able to be composted, recycled, and reused, hemp is an ideal material to help us lessen and perhaps eventually eliminate our global dependency upon single-use plastics and other non-biodegradable materials. As we collectively strive to reduce our carbon footprint and look for new, sustainable materials that are as convenient as plastics, hemp is likely to come up in more and more conversations. By positioning themselves as hemp farmers now, cannabis growers stand to see a considerable potential profit when hemp inevitably catches on among manufacturers and consumers alike. This may cause a serious uptick in an already surging cannabis industry, pushing more and more farmers to begin growing hemp as one of their chief crops.

For farmers who wish to capitalize on the growing CBD boom, it is essential that they first establish themselves as reputable hemp growers. This all begins with high-quality products grown from hardy, reliable feminized hemp seed from an experienced hemp seed company. By ensuring that each crop is of premium quality, hemp farmers can build a reputation as producers and attract big-name companies to contract exclusively with their farm for hemp supply. Thanks to the relative ease with which hemp clones can be planted and harvested, novice farmers will be able to grow cannabis that is of exceptionally high quality, even with little previous experience.

The face of agriculture may be changing, but the demand for quality crops will always remain the same. Hemp farmers who want to compete in this growing market need to be sure that their crops meet or exceed the exacting standards of companies who are ready to embrace the CBD trend. Quality factors still matter! A cultivar consistently high in CBD, organic growing practices, extraction, storage, and supply chain issues are all vital to success. The Green Rush is in full swing, and agriculture will never be the same again. Hemp has breathed new life into a proud and necessary industry, and people are taking notice!